Contact us:
01534 744281

Health and Safety

The health and safety of everyone at the Style Group and all Style Group clients has always been of paramount importance and will continue to be so.

Our strict policy

Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees and on all our clients’ projects, providing such information, regular training and supervision as required for these purposes.

We accept our responsibility for health and safety of our customers and other people who may be affected by our activities and work closely with the community to ensure our projects do not present a risk.

Primary responsibility for safety and the prevention of accidents rests with line management. However, we all have an individual responsibility for our own health and safety, and for that of our colleagues. Therefore, it is essential that all Style Group employees continue to demonstrate a high degree of safety awareness in the workplace.

“As a responsible employer Style Group is conscious that health and safety is a management responsibility of equal importance to sales and quality.”
Edward Poynton
CEO – The Style Group


Quality control

Quality control is a consideration at every stage of our projects, from product selection and design through to placement of subcontract orders and works on site. We are committed to operate every aspect of our business to the highest standards achievable and provide a quality product with excellent service.

We believe that our track record and experience gained from our in-house developments demonstrates the standards we achieve are second to none and evidence of the above commitment.

QC procedures are directed at management level and are set by the contracts manager. Quality is then monitored by the site manager on a day to day basis and then reviewed by the contracts manager at regular intervals.

General findings are reported to the Managing Director and any issues are dealt with at the correct time.

We use tried and trusted subcontractors and suppliers and work is carried out by competent, experienced tradesmen. We require method statements from our subcontractors throughout each contract indicating how quality will be maintained.

Get In Touch

We are based at Style House in St Peter where we can:

  • Provide help and advice for projects of all sizes
  • Offer our hands-on approach to delivering projects on time, on budget and with minimum disruption
  • Introduce you to a dedicated team fully responsible for a project from tender to completion